Football and Finance: The Secret Sauce to Success
Welcome to fall, almost everyone’s favorite time of the year. School starts up, the colors change, and football at all levels kicks into high gear. Growing up in the Midwest, and having been both a high school and college football coach in the past, I see a very distinct similarity between …
Improving The Traditionally Allocated Portfolio
Published by Tyler Schlumpf We’re going to introduce a few mathematical concepts in this article that are crucial to building a portfolio. For those that are already moving their cursor up to the X in the right hand corner, just stick with it! These concepts, whether we choose to learn them …
My Top Money Saving Tips
Published by Shayla Kriha, Relationship Manager We all know saving money is not the most exciting or even the easiest thing to do, but we all know that it’s important to do! Over my years at Carson Wealth, I have learned lots of ways to help save money.
Spending Habits of Thirty-Somethings: How Do You Measure Up?
No matter how delayed your maturity was or if you were one of the few responsible twenty-year-olds, you can’t deny it; you are now an adult. Measuring up used to be called “Keeping up with the Joneses” and now it is called “social media scrolling.”
What Is Your Number?
Published by Mark Petersen, CPA, CFP® “What is your number?” is a question one frequently hears in the financial services industry. It may refer to many different things, depending upon the company with whom one is working. At Carson Wealth Management Group, your number refers to your Famil …
4 Simple Steps to Creating an Estate Plan
Published by Beth Schanou, JD Most of the time, it feels like life is moving at the speed of light. I often feel my entire day, both at home and at the office, is spent in fast forward mode. As if it’s a race to get done as much as possible, I’m running from one …
Without A Plan
Published By Michele Schreck, Wealth Advisor Do you have a plan for your financial future? Life happens and we may not always work on our financial priorities until we are nearing retirement. Suddenly, you’re left asking yourself, “I want to retire in a few years, will I be okay? Can I do t …
Where There Is A Will – There Is A Way
Published by Cliff York Statistics show that humans have a 100% mortality rate. Yet, nearly 6 out of 10 of Americans are unprepared for the inevitable*. End of life planning isn’t fun. It can seem morbid, depressing and even a little scary. But, it’s also a critical aspect of managing your …
How Men and Women Differ with Finances
Marital status is a key factor in their differences, which in turn affects their mindset. Lastly, where men and women believe they are in their life, depending on their age and expectations, is a huge catalyst for moving forward in their financial journey.
5 Reasons It’s Important to Set Financial Goals
Published by Rob Furlong, Portfolio Manager The alarm sounded promptly at 1a.m. Shortly after some rustling and grumbling the tent zippers opened and we stepped out into the frigid air. After a quick breakfast, we began heading uphill into the darkness. For the next eight hours life was lit …